Cloud Management Platform That Helps You Reduce Cloud Costs!
Reduce your AWS costs by up to 50% on auto-pilot
Automatically optimize your environment for spot, RI, and savings plans.
Manage the cloud cost and Optimize your savings on Amazon EC2/RDS Reserved Instances.
Reduce cloud cost and find idle resources and turn them off automatically to save you money on your AWS bill.
Allocate all of your cloud costs across the right business units and business outcomes.
A Recognized Leader in Cloud Management
Advanced technology partner AWS, G2 4.8 rating, FinOps Foundation member and many more
FinOps on nOps
We only charge for what we save.
Risk free Reserved instance coverage
Automatically stop resources during non-peak hours
Continuous Container cluster optimization
Continuous RI management to save up to 50% over on-demand resources
Reduce your AWS cloud costs automatically and easily
nOps is a cloud management platform that provides advanced cloud cost optimization tools to help businesses reduce cloud costs. With nOps, you can gain full visibility into cloud usage, track spend in real-time, and identify areas to optimize resources for efficient Cloud Cost Management.
How does it work?
Optimize Your AWS Costs with nOps – Automated Cloud Cost Management Solutions
Risk free Reserved instance coverage
Effortlessly Optimize Your Cloud Costs with a Cloud Cost Optimization Tool for Automated EC2 and RDS Reserved Instances Management
Automatically turn off resources non-peak hours
Automatically Stop, Start, or Optimize Resources with Cloud Cost Optimization Tools
Optimize containers
Utilize AWS Cloud Cost Optimization Tool for Container Management.
Automatically Stop Resources During Non-Peak Hours with AWS Cost Management Tools
Utilize nOps’ cloud cost optimization tools to pause resources during non-peak hours, reduce cloud costs, and optimize resources as per your business needs.
Automatic Lifecycle Management of Commitments
Immediate Cost Savings
24/7 Continuous Optimization
Risk-Free Buy-Back Guarantee
Zero Engineering Effort
Innovative companies already love what we do for them. Now it’s your turn.
"Working with nOps has taken me from a position of complete unknown to actually understanding my costs. Our costs were totally out of control, no predictability. But with nOps, things changed almost overnight. It pinpointed where my costs were growing and why they were growing. I was able to attack those costs and bring them down and forecast for my CEO. Working with ShareSave has worked really well for us. On average, we are saving at least 15-20% each month."
- Greg ShauretteSenior Vice President, Information Technology, Efabless
"The ShareSave program has been great for us because we get a benefit of the savings without having to do the same level of commit. We get the best of both worlds in terms of our price footprint and mitigating our risk as far as trying new workflows and onboarding onto AWS. We have gone 40X, if not more, in the last 12-18 months in terms of our monthly AWS spend. So it's not insignificant. Those places where we can find 5-10% savings, that's real money. Having the support for that has been really helpful for us."