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Leveraging nOps AWS Well-Architected Framework Platform for Cost Optimization

nOps bases their design on the AWS Well-Architected Framework to help organizations optimize costs. With nOps, you benefit from various cost optimization capabilities to keep your costs down and build your architecture seamlessly. nOps helps you align your workloads with the AWS Well-Architected framework, empowering you to build and deploy secure, reliable, high-performance applications/workloads. The nOps platform helps you achieve security and performance while keeping costs low.

nOps Cost Optimization Features

nOps gives you better visibility, oversight, and control of your cloud spend. nOps can provide continuous visibility to change requests, anomalies, and changes in compute usage. Below are ways in which nOps optimizes your cloud costs.

Rightsize Instances With nOps

nOps allows you to analyze current usage patterns and provides recommendations for rightsizing Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and RDS (Relational Database Services) Instances.

Since Amazon EC2 and RDS Instances take a considerable chunk of your cloud bills, nOps helps you rightsize these Instances. Rightsizing involves tuning the type and size of an Instance to match the capacity of the workload. 

Rightsizing EC2 Instances

nOps examines the deployed AWS instance and rightsizes it without affecting capacity. nOps identifies underutilized and idle Instances by analyzing CPU and memory usage. Also, it identifies usage patterns, presenting you with an opportunity to cut costs. 

Rightsizing RDS Instances

nOps allows you to adjust memory or compute power to scale database instances. With nOps, you can easily modify the RDS database Instance and improve performance by changing storage type. For example, you can change from a Gen

Track Costs

You can utilize nOps to track infrastructure costs. nOps tracks your AWS costs across all regions, custom tags, employees, accounts, and resources. 

nOps also provides a summary of the top five resources that accrue the majority of costs. These custom reports are essential to staying in touch with the services that cost you more. You can also view each employee’s costs seamlessly. In addition, nOps has a chargeback feature that allows you to charge back each department depending on their cloud spend.

If you are experiencing spiraling costs, nOps allows you to compare month-to-month costs and detect where you are spending more.

Manage Assets

Managing cloud assets tends to be challenging for many users, because the sheer number of resources and general cloud complexities overwhelm AWS users. nOps gives you 360-degree visibility of your AWS environment, allowing you to detect changes that affect costs.

The nOps Tag Explorer is perhaps the best way to analyze your cloud spend. This feature is ideal for analyzing and organizing costs for different projects, teams, environments, customers, and stacks. It provides a handy, user-friendly way to visualize your resource tags. With the nOps tag explorer, you can also identify unallocated costs and non-compliant tags.

The nOps Tag Explorer allows you to filter resources depending on the following:

  • AWS Account
  • Custom Rules
  • Date
  • Operations
  • Usage Type
  • AWS Managed Resources
  • Regions

It provides intuitive reports, saving valuable time and allowing you to stay in control of your costs.

Plan Resources

Instances are by far the most significant contributors to cloud costs. nOps allows you to plan your Instances depending on the type of workloads at hand. You can quickly identify underutilized resources and do more innovative RI (Reserved Instances) & Spot Instances planning as you have all the visibility you need.

Through nOps, you can view CPU utilization patterns in real-time and rightsize your infrastructure to optimize costs.

nOps ShareSave

The nOps ShareSave is a revolutionary addition to your cost optimization strategy. The ShareSave service eliminates the concerns of under-provisioning or over-provisioning as you can’t correctly predict your EC2 usage. ShareSave reacts to changes in your compute usage automatically. It purchases and sells RIs on an hourly basis upon increased or decreased usage, helping users avoid the financial risks of self-managed RIs.

Rightsizing Instances

Idle RDS instances can increase your cloud costs. nOps identifies RDS that appear idle and recommends closing them. With nOps, you don’t have to check idle RDS instances manually as you may end up with unnecessary monthly bills.


nOps provides users with real-time notifications about the state of their cloud environment. nOps provides continuous notifications of non-compliance, security risks, and billing anomalies.

With nOps, you will receive real-time notifications for unattached Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) and unused Elastic IPs (Internet Protocols). When an anomaly is detected, nOps sends an instant notification via email or Slack. You can identify unattached EBS volumes and terminate them to avoid unexpected charges on your bill.

Why nOps is the Ultimate Cost Optimization Platform

nOps is the best way to tame cloud complexities and optimize costs. It gives you the visibility you need to optimize cloud costs. nOps allows you to automate RIs, rightsize instances, and manage tags effectively. On top of that, it provides notifications on any changes and anomalies in your cloud.

Schedule a demo or start a free nOps trial to get started!