Visibility and allocation of 100% of your AWS resources down to the container level

We’re excited to announce the launch of Business Contexts+, an enhanced version of nOps Business Contexts. Business Contexts+ makes it easy to understand and allocate 100% of your AWS costs, from your largest resources all the way down to your individual container costs. It also adds enhanced functionality to simplify the AWS cost reporting process for DevOps, Engineering, FinOps, and Finance teams. With custom reports and dashboards built by FinOps experts, role-based access control, and 40+ filters and views, it’s easier than ever to get the cost insights your organization needs to better understand and optimize your AWS spend, particularly in complex containerized Kubernetes environments.

With Kubernetes projected to grow more than 18% yearly, container costs are becoming a significant portion of many organizations’ cloud spend. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) container costs, which involve ephemeral shared resources, are often a big mystery for organizations, making it difficult to attribute to teams or services. Business Contexts+ provides comprehensive insights into AWS costs down to the container level. This is crucial for businesses leveraging EKS, the most popular managed Kubernetes solution.

We built nOps Business Contexts+ to transform millions of rows of contextless data into the who, what, when and why of cloud spend — here’s what’s new:

Allocate 100% of your AWS Costs, including EKS

With nOps, it’s now quick and easy to understand your Kubernetes costs and map expenses back to specific teams or services.

Most Kubernetes cost visibility solutions aren’t integrated with the rest of your AWS spend, making it a major headache to reconcile costs. nOps automatically combines and unifies all of your cloud spending, so you know exactly where your costs are generated.

Showbacks and chargebacks make it quick and easy to distribute all of your shared expenses, making it easy to budget forecast, create accountability, and create your real Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).

Get visibility into all your shared EKS costs so you can allocate 100% of your spend to the correct cost centers.

Custom reports & dashboards for the entire team

Monthly reporting and reconciliation can take hours of manual work. nOps makes it easy to create custom dashboards and Slack/email reports tailored to your exact needs — whether it’s a CFO report delivered monthly or an hourly report for a VP of Engineering.
Business Contexts+ also comes with Role-Based Reporting and Access — set up the reports and dashboards each team or user needs for their work so they access what they need, from your CFO and VP of Engineering down to individual engineers.

40+ Pre-Built Filters and Views

Quickly find and view exactly what you need with 40+ pre-built filters and views so it’s easy to pinpoint exactly the data or costs you’re looking for. Break down and map hourly costs by any relevant engineering concept (deployment, service, namespace, label, pod, container…) or finance concept (cost unit, purchase type, line item, cost allocation tag…).

Intuitive filters allow for easy insights, whether you’re addressing spikes in your EC2 bill, looking for waste in your EKS clusters, or seeing how much of your Savings Plan went unused.

Automated resource tagging

Untagged and mistagged resources? No problem. nOps automatically handles untagged and mistagged resources; You can easily create dynamic allocation rules by region, tags, operation, accounts, and usage types.

nOps processes massive amounts of data associated with your AWS Cost & Usage Report, resources and metadata, leveraging your existing tagging infrastructure (regardless of quality) to map back 100% of your AWS costs to the penny.

How it Works

  1. You set up Prometheus, a tool that collects and stores data on how your containers are performing, along with k8s-agent that will check this data every hour to provide a granularity that matches the CUR.
  2. The agent runs hourly, picking up metrics/metadata from the cluster stored in Prometheus on the previous hour
  3. The agent exports the data into S3 with read-only permission, so that everything stays safe and secure in your environment.
    1. The data is saved in the nOps Data Lake using parquet format and hive-style partitioning.
  4. We handle the data processing to allocate your container costs.

If you’re already on nOps…

Have questions about the new feature? Need help getting started? Our dedicated support team is here for you. Simply reach out to your Customer Success Manager or visit our Help Center. If you’re not sure who your CSM is, send our Support Team an email.

If you’re new to nOps…

nOps was recently ranked #1 with five stars in G2’s cloud cost management category, and we optimize $1.5+ billion in cloud spend for our customers.

Join our customers using nOps to understand your cloud costs and leverage automation with complete confidence by booking a demo with one of our AWS experts.