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ShareSave by nOps

Maximize Your Amazon EC2/RDS Reserved Instance Spend.

Do you struggle managing your Amazon EC2 commitments and spend? ShareSave provides real-time, risk-free, hands-free automatic life-cycle management of Amazon EC2/RDS commitments. Get the flexibility of On-Demand with the savings of 1 year Reserved Instances (RIs) – or better!

Have You Made A 1-Year Or 3-Year Commitment To AWS Reserved Instances (RIs) Or Savings Plans (SPs) To Optimize Cloud Compute Costs?

Get a fast, free, personalized cost estimate — based on your input

With ShareSave, you can:

With ShareSave automation, you’ll save more than RI’s without the overcommitment risk of Reserved Instances or Savings Plans.

We share a percentage of our savings with you, which increases if your usage expands or you purchase additional nOps services. Our optimizations give you the flexibility to switch types and commitments as needed – and as your environment expands your savings grow.

ShareSave by nOps ensures maximum savings on your reserved instances.

Risk-free, buy-back guarantee.

Zero engineering effort.

Immediate cost savings.

24/7 continuous cost optimization.

Shared-savings pricing model.

5-minute onboarding process.

How It Works

We wrote the book on Reserved Instances

Download the Free eBook - 5 Essential Steps to Reserved Instance Cost Optimization - to optimize your spend and get industry best practices on:

It’s easy to get started with ShareSave

Onboarding takes only 5 minutes.


Provide nOps with read-only access to your Amazon EC2 usage patterns.


Based on your Amazon EC2 usage patterns, nOps begins to buy RI and/or SP commitments.


Whether your usage increases or decreases, you pay only for what you use.


ShareSave has a shared-savings pricing model. We share a percentage of our savings with you, which increases if your volume expands or you purchase additional nOps services.

  • ShareSave is a SaaS platform and does not require additional resources on the customer’s account.
On average, nOps achieves a 50% discount off the AWS On-Demand price. The discount depends on the customer’s Regions, instance types, and volume of savings.

A buy-back guarantee means that in the case of over-provisioning (too many commitments purchased), the customer gets a full refund for unused commitment dollars, and nOps takes all the risk.

Yes, even if savings already cover part of your environment, nOps can maximize those savings by increasing your commitment coverage. On average, nOps achieves 95% infrastructure covered by savings at any given time.

Not at all. You can cancel at any time.

nOps supports any service relying on Amazon EC2, including Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EMR.

No. Everything is done using a simple read-only IAM role for Amazon EC2, AWS Auto Scaling, AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), AWS Organizations, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Savings Plans, AWS Cost Explorer, and tags.

nOps has developed a native SP marketplace.

Unfortunately, savings plans are not covering these services. nOps will support these services once it’s allowed by AWS.