451 Research, a leading information technology research and advisory company focusing on technology innovation and market disruption, published a report today, “nOps targets startups and growth-stage companies with AWS governance and optimization SaaS.”

In the report, 451 Research cites nOps’ virtues: a well-defined target market, a focus on cloud-native services and DevOps teams, and the pedigree of AWS’s Well­-Architected Framework as the foundation for its rules engine (which also includes SOC 2 and HIPAA compliance).

“nOps bridges a gap in AWS’s portfolio for automated discovery in keeping with Well-Architected principles and provides a DevOps-savvy front end for integrating input from various AWS cloud management services and creating actionable views.” – Jean Atelsek, 451 Research

The report also cites nOps’ affordability as a governance mechanism, as well as serving as a source of recurring revenue and sales pipeline for nOps resellers (providing their customers with added value).

Read the report:
